On a warm day in September I travelled to Hayward, WI to second second shoot with the fabulous Mrs. Bethany of Bethany Noelle Photography at the wedding of Allysa and TJ. Allysa was, quite possibly, the most laid back bride I have ever worked with. At one point in the day Bethany and I were photographing details in the reception hall and the DJ was sitting at one of the tables working on a playlist when all of the sudden from across the room we hear a loud crash. Everyone freezes and then slowly turns around and we see our worst nightmare has come true, the cake fell over. Upon further investigation we find it was only the top two tiers of the cake but we still proceed to have a mini freak out. Do we tell the bride? Do we not? We decided to find one of the staff to help us clean it up and in walks the bride. Now we have to tell her. Bethany prefaces with "It will be ok but..." and Allysa's face drops. Uh oh. And then something kind of amazing happened, Bethany finished the sentence "... your cake melted and kind of fell apart" and instantly Allysa's face brightens and she says "Oh is that it? Who cares?" My jaw hit the floor. We walked over to the cake to show her and what does she do? Bends down and starts cleaning it up. In her wedding dress. It was one of the moments that totally restores your faith in humanity, as silly as that sounds. She was so calm and cool about it, I wish I could say I would have done in the same if I were in that situation. It was definitely one of my favorite wedding moments of 2012. So be sure to check out the shots below of the cake before and after, and the few shots I got of Allysa being the coolest bride ever.

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