Birth Photography has quickly become my absolute favorite. It is so emotional and rewarding I cry at every single one.
For their fourth (and last) child Stefany and Steve decided that a home water birth was the best choice for their family. Boy were they right! Their two oldest kiddos were able to watch and experience the process (their choice) and their third babe woke up minutes after the birth to meet baby Mabel. It was so fun to see Laila (their oldest daughter) take on the role of care taker. She was enamored with the process, helping Kari (the amazing midwife) chart and keep track of vitals. After baby was born Laila even held the placenta and examined it. What an amazing experience for her to have.
Once again this strong Mommy had the A team surrounding her. Their midwife Kari is such a calming, confident presence. You can tell she loves every second of her job. She took the time to explain everything to the kids, like why baby's hands were a little purple and how the placenta works. And Dani the Doula was back again with lots of support and reassurance. Dani happens to be good friends of this family so it was great to see the kids look to her for comfort and hugs. Of course I can't forget husband Steve. There aren't words to describe how great he does during the birthing. It's all about making sure his beautiful wife is as comfortable as she possibly can be.
Last but certainly not least, Stef. You make it look so easy girl!!! You are so strong. Smiling and laughing between contractions. Seconds after Mabel was born turning to make sure your big kids are ok. Thinking of everyone but yourself in a moment where it should be the opposite. Can you just have my kids for me? Please and thank you.
Mabel was born 12/27/16 at 6:34 am. 7 pounds, 6 ounces, 20 3/4 inches of chubby perfection. Welcomed into the world by siblings Laila, Cooper and Greta.
Loved forever by her parents Stefany and Steve
Congrats again J family!! She is one gorgeous little babe.
You can find Kari the AMAZING midwife at
And Dani the wonderful Doula -
Mabel, you were the best Christmas present ever!