As you all know by now I moved into a new studio space at the beginning of May (insert happy dance here). My first order of business was to get familiar with the lighting and different prop set ups in the space. This is where the lovely Heidi came into play. Being a talented photog herself I thought it would be fun to kill two birds with one stone and do a head shot exchange. (I am no good at taking photos of myself. Yes I try and always fail. I'm much better behind the camera.)
Sometimes I wish I owned a bunch of wigs. Or I was really rich and could have a hairstylist come over every morning. I begged, pleaded and maybe bowed down at her perfectly manicured feet but Heidi refused to trade me her awesome hair for our shoot. Seriously, my hair will not hold a pretty curl like this girl's. I'm greener than our couch with envy whenever I see her. (One day you will fall asleep around me, Heidi, and then I'm cutting it off and glueing it on my head. Weird? A little. But I'd do it.) As soon as I get my website up and running you'll be able to see a shot she took of me on the bio page.
We had some fun in the studio and right outside, lots of laughs, silly faces and perhaps a little dancing. These were my 3 favorites from our playtime. Isn't she pretty?? I'm lucky to call her my swamp friend.